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>I've noticed it in the files now. I guess I glanced over it in the final review before release. Somehow, a significant change has been made.

>I don't know who could have tampered with it or how they'd find the time to add all this. 

>The thing is though, that it's... updating? It's consistently changing its material, like whoever's messing with it still has access. 

>I'd have to look into this further on other copies. The bugs I hear about are like nothing I've ever seen. And they're never the same thing twice.

>Sometimes I think it's them. But I know that's impossible.

>Would it be better if it was? I don't know.


>I'd recommend a total recall until this issue is resolved but I know that won't happen. At the scale of distribution, there's no way we could fix all of them.

>Poor kids. I'd hate to see their reactions to this.

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© 2003 by Merry-Go Town


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